Congratulations, you have survived the global covid-19 (Corona Virus) pandemic.
This means that you are part of the history of planet earth and humanity. Keep this diploma as a sign that you were part of this historical event.
The present general conditions of use of the portal regulate the access and use of the portal, including the contents and services made available to users in and/or through the portal, either by the portal, its users or any third party.
This page has been created with a solidarity purpose. By accepting these terms you allow the use of your data by the creator of the website. The sale of these data to third parties is not foreseen, and you may rectify this action if necessary due to external causes.
Your data are safe with a solid programming. You can rectify the use of your data by sending an email to the account:
Donations will be used mainly for the fight against the Corona Virus (Covid-19).